Teeth Implants

Teeth Implants

Implant treatment is among the results of rapidly developing technology. Thus, solutions can be offered to patients with missing teeth. Developed as an alternative to the traditionally used bridge and prosthesis, this treatment helps to get better results.

Implants used during the procedures are screws placed in the jawbone that are used in the treatment of missing teeth. It is made of titanium and the dental prosthesis is placed on it. It does not harm the teeth during the application. In this respect, there are no operations such as cutting adjacent teeth.

Implants act as roots and allow people to talk, laugh and eat more comfortably. Today, intra-osseous and over-bone implants are mostly preferred.

To Whom Is Dental Implant Applied?

Teeth implants are applied to people over the age of 18 who have completed their facial and chin development. First, x-rays are taken to find out the suitability of the jaw structure. If this problem does not exist, a suitable date is given.

In this process, it is stated what should be paid attention to. Basic Diabetes patients, the disease should be regulated before treatment. In addition, if blood thinners are taken, pre-treatment drugs are discontinued. If there is osteoporosis, necessary procedures are performed after appropriate treatment.

How to Clean and Take Care of Dental Implants | Narre Warren Dental Care

How Is a Dental Implant Made?

Why are teeth implants made? The fact that people have missing teeth or that the tooth has no longer function creates a negative impact on both health and aesthetics. Implants come into play here and offer a solution.

Implant treatment is done with sedation. After a detailed examination and x-ray, measurements of the jaw bones and remaining teeth are taken. Then the implant is placed. There are two options here. The first is a one-stage procedure, and a temporary cap is applied when the implant is placed.

In the two-stage process, when the implant is applied, it is covered with the gingiva. After recovery is completed, prosthetic heads are applied. Whichever is chosen, a temporary bridge is applied.  Healdone successfully carries out all procedures with its expert dentists.